Game Changes

Game Changes

The process for game changes is as follows:


  1. Contact the opposing manager regarding the game change
  2. Receive approval from opposing manager
  3. Send an email to , copy the opposing manager and (referee assignor). 
  4. List the changes in the email
  5. The MUSL will approve the change then apply any necessary game change fees that must be paid before the game is played
  6. If the game change is not approved by the MUSL you either have to play the game as scheduled or forfeit (this almost never happens with more than a week's notice)

If you aren't sure what the game change fees are, click on the rule book and scroll to page 13, section 3.5.

Costs for the game change in 2024:

1) At least fourteen (14) days prior to the originally scheduled date = no fee.

2) At least four (4) days prior = $20 fee.

3) At least forty-eight (48) hours prior = $80 fee.

4) Less than 48 hours prior = $220 + home field rental fees.

You must pay your fees on the Forms and Fees tab.

ALL game change fees must be paid before your next scheduled game. 

ALL Spring games need to be played BEFORE the fall games begin or the home team may face a forfeit. 

Office Hours

Office Hours

Office hours are by appointment only because the MUSL no longer has a physical office space. If available, we will try to meet you someplace. If not, please communicate via our contact page.



Michigan United Soccer League
P.O. Box 510082
Livonia, Michigan 48151-0082