Roster Pro Export

Roster Pro Export

ROSTER EXPORT (Last Updated 2022 05-11 @ 6:00 PM):

As many of you are aware, there is currently a delay between RosterPro (our registration system) and Elements (our main page), which has led to confusion regarding real time roster adjustments. To alleviate some of the issues this is causing, we will be regularly updating the RosterPro Export (linked below), so that managers can see the most recent status for their registered players. Note that the export is in the form of an Excel file and will be best viewed from a computer.

Please contact with any issues or concerns on this matter.

Office Hours

Office Hours

Office hours are by appointment only because the MUSL no longer has a physical office space. If available, we will try to meet you someplace. If not, please communicate via our contact page.



Michigan United Soccer League
P.O. Box 510082
Livonia, Michigan 48151-0082